

Created by Patch Notes Apparel

Important Shipping Message
We do not have the shipping prices for physical rewards entered in BackerKit yet. We plan to wait until closer to the fulfillment date to enter and charge you for the physical items in your survey to ensure that the fulfillment prices are accurate and fair. We will collect and securely store your payment in advance, so you won't have to fill out the survey again. We will update all the backers after entering the shipping prices and before charging you in BackerKit. However, if you need to update your card, you can do so in the message that we will send you later.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final Call to Complete Your Surveys – Locking In This Sunday!
20 days ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 06:40:54 PM

Hey Adventurers! 👋😁

As we gear up for the next exciting phase of production, we want to remind everyone that we will be locking the survey responses end of day this Sunday, September 1st, EST. This is a crucial step as it allows us to move forward with the production of your much-anticipated hoodies! If you haven't completed your survey yet or would like to make changes to your selections, please be sure to do so before we lock the surveys!

➡️Important: While you can still complete your survey after the lock-in this Sunday, keep in mind that our inventory will become limited. We're shifting gears to full production mode, and the availability of each hoodie size will be constrained by the production quantities. To secure your preferred size and style without any hitches, we strongly recommend submitting your survey as soon as possible. ‼️

We're thrilled to be moving forward and are working hard to get production started swiftly and efficiently. Thank you for your prompt action and for helping us make this project a reality. We can’t wait to get each of you hoodies! 

The Patch Notes Apparel Team 🔥

BackerKit surveys are coming!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 05:16:42 PM

Hey Everyone! 🎉

We're onto the exciting next step, thank you all again for your incredible support in bringing Patch Notes Apparel to life! Be on the lookout in your email inboxes for the pledge surveys where you can make your hoodie and snap selections as well as grab more items if you'd like.

Soon, you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s essential to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since we need this information to fulfill your rewards.

You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the survey invite email, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like. If you haven't received the email with this survey link yet please let us know in a direct message, it may take 24 hours for all of these surveys to go out!

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

Due to the volatility of shipping prices globally right now, shipping fees for this project will be calculated at a later date once we have the best estimates for everyone. We plan to enter & charge backers for shipping a month or two before fulfillment when we have better estimates of what it will cost to ship backers rewards. We will alert backers when shipping costs are finalized & before we charge your cards in your BackerKit survey. We will keep you all informed along the way!

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your crowdfunding account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address associated with your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at

After surveys are sent, if you did not receive the email, and you Signed in with Apple ID, your email address might be a private relay email address. We can help locate your survey and update your email address, please message us with your Backer ID or Pledge # found on your confirmation. You can learn more about your email hiding for your Apple ID here.

Don't Miss Out On New Projects! :)

Our project was featured on the First Backer Newsletter, and we'd like to invite you to join its growing community of Kickstarter backers. They were a big help to us during our live campaign so we'd like to share their amazing newsletter with you all! :) 

You'll receive news on the freshest Kickstarter projects, amazing early bird offers, and awesome freebies right in your inbox. Click here to subscribe.

Exciting times ahead! :)
The Patch Notes Apparel Team🔥

Quest Complete! Patch Notes Apparel is Ready to Level Up! 🙌🔥
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 03:29:11 PM

Hey Patch Notes Apparel Adventurers! 🎉

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that thanks to your incredible support, our Kickstarter quest has been incredibly successful and raised a fantastic $147,797 from 898 backers! You've truly powered us through every boss battle along the way, we can't thank each of you enough, you've truly changed our lives!

We're now gearing up to start production and can’t wait to get your RPG-inspired hoodies into your inventory!

We also wanted to share an exciting announcement that was unlocked during the campaign!

Stretch Goal #1 & #2 UNLOCKED - Gold and Copper Colored Snaps

Thanks to your incredible support we were able to unlock both of our stretch goals for Gold and Copper Colored Snaps! That means that you'll be able to pick between 3 different color options for snap designs when making selections in the post campaign pledge manager!

As we forge ahead, here’s a brief on what you can expect as we transition from campaign to creation in the short and long-term:

Pledge Collection

Now that our campaign has ended, Kickstarter is running a 7-day pledge collection process and has already begun processing payments. 

  • If a pledge fails to collect, Kickstarter will send you periodic email reminders, and display an “Action Needed” banner when you log in to Kickstarter.
  • If this is the case, please follow the steps outlined in that link. If you're still having trouble submitting the pledge, please see the "My pledge was declined. How can I retry my payment?" section of the Kickstarter Troubleshooting Page.
  • Unfortunately, if your pledge is not collected by the 31st then the pledge is dropped.

Progress Updates

We’ll keep you informed every step of the way through Kickstarter updates. If you would like more behind-the-scenes content, follow us on Instagram @PatchNotesApparel

Post-Campaign Pledge Manager Surveys

In the coming weeks you will receive surveys, which will allow you to…

  • Confirm your hoodie style + size selections & Snap Style + Color Selections
  • Choose extras and additional add-ons
  • Confirm your shipping information

To ensure we stay on track with production and shipping, it's very important you get these surveys done as quickly as possible! We will be making sure everything is set up for a seamless production process, but we can't get started until we know exactly what we need to produce.

We can't thank each of you enough for your support and belief in our brand. We are committed to making Patch Notes Apparel the best it can be, and we couldn't have done it without you. Your backing has truly brought this brand to life, and we want each of you to know that your support means the world to us. We promise to deliver the best modern RPG-inspired everyday apparel ever made!

Exciting times ahead! The next chapter begins! ⚔️🙌🔥

with love and thanks,
The Patch Notes Apparel Team - Derrick, Irene, Phillip, Nick, Yan, Kobe

Stretch Goals 1 & 2 + Full Snap List Reveal + Live Updates: Archer, Sorceress, Sorcerer
2 months ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 10:30:13 AM

Hey backers!

We have a big announcement for you today - our first and second stretch goal + the full snap design list + live updates to the Archer, Sorceress, and Sorcerer.

We're extremely excited to announce our first two stretch goals will be to add color options to the snap designs! Now that the full list is revealed, we hope that by adding more colors to these we can grant you more ways to express your style and customize the look of your Patch Notes Apparel Hoodies!

What's a stretch goal?

For those new to crowdfunding, a stretch goal is when we set a funding amount and new additional elements to our product if we reach that funding amount. It's a way for us to keep momentum going in our campaign and also reward YOU for helping us spread the word.

How Can You Help Us Achieve This?

  • Share Our Campaign: Spread the word on social media, with friends, and in online communities.
  • Increase Your Pledge: Consider upgrading your pledge to help us reach our stretch goals faster.
  • Engage With Us: Leave comments, feedback, and share your excitement about the hoodies you're excited for.

    Please help us spread the word and reach our stretch goal funding thresholds! We're looking into adding more goals to hit after these have been achieved so stay tuned!

We're super proud to announce that our list of RPG snap designs is fully revealed! We've been hard at work finalizing the last snap designs and love the way they turned out. Whether you're excited to represent your main class, do a little multiclassing, or just love the designs of different snaps there's something for everyone! :)

Archer - Updated Quiver Pocket

We made a slight change to the Archer quiver pocket to allow for the arrows to sit more comfortably on the wearer's back. Simply unsnap the bottom of the quiver and load up those arrows!
We also made a small opening in the quiver to allow the wearer to be able to equip LARP weapons or light weight props as well. This pocket is not designed to carry anything too heavy or sharp as that will likely stretch, damage, or tear the fabric. Otherwise, swordsmen and swordswomen rejoice!

Sorceress - New Waist Pockets

The most requested update to the Sorceress dress is that we add pockets, and we couldn't have agreed with this feedback more! The Sorceress dress now includes two waist pockets, both large enough for all of your essentials.
*The final version of the Crystal Drawcords will be red to match the Patch Notes Apparel logo and vibe of the hoodie.

Sorcerer - New Side Zipper

One of the main things we noticed when working on sizing and fit was that the pullover style of the Sorcerer hoodie needed to be easier to put on and take off. With the added zipper, this style is now extremely easy to wear and you can even leave the zipper open for added airflow.
*The final version of the Crystal Drawcords will be red to match the Patch Notes Apparel logo and vibe of the hoodie.

As we enter the last few days of the campaign, we want to take a moment to thank you all for your ongoing support! We're excited to be able to unlock these stretch goals and release the new color options for snaps! We're still working towards the prospect of adding hoodie colors as well, and if we can't do it while the campaign is live, we'll definitely be continuing to explore this after the campaign ends.

The Patch Notes Apparel Team

Exciting Updates from Patch Notes Apparel - Thanks to Your Support!
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 03:50:52 PM

Hey everyone,

What an incredible first week (and a day) it's been! So far we’ve reached $109,665 raised from over 694 backers! Thanks to your amazing support, Patch Notes Apparel is coming to life, and we're thrilled to share some exciting updates with you. :)

New Additions:
We're excited to announce that our Sorcerer Snap designs have been finalized and added to the campaign!

Special Snap Bundle Deals:
To celebrate these additions, we're introducing two new add-ons for bundle deals on snap accessories! We've received such a warm reception to these designs, and we want to make them more accessible to more of you. You can now get a 2-snap bundle for $18 or a 3-snap bundle for $24. You can pick as many add on bundles as you'd like.

Design Updates - We have some fantastic updates to share about our hoodies!

The Martialist Hoodie:

  • Now includes an additional set of waist snaps for even more adjustable fit.

The Sorcerer Hoodie:

  • Features an all-black embroidered brand name.
  • Completed crystal drawcord tips (We're looking to make these red for the final product and will change the color if we can add more hoodie color options).
  • New zipper added to the side for easier fitting.

The Sorceress Hoodie:

  • Features an all-black embroidered brand name.
  • Crystal drawcord tips completed (We're looking to make these red for the final product and will change the color if we can add more hoodie color options).
  • Two new waist hand pockets for added functionality.

We greatly appreciate everyone's feedback and are committed to making Patch Notes Apparel the best it can be! Keep that feedback coming! :)

Looking Ahead:
We're in discussions with our production team about adding color options. If feasible, this will be included as a stretch goal. We'll keep you updated as we progress!

Thank you once again for your support and enthusiasm. Please continue to share our campaign with friends and family so we can take Patch Notes Apparel to new heights! Every share and pledge brings us closer to making color options and our vision a reality.

Warm regards,
The Patch Notes Apparel Team